Technical guide to telekinesis practice and theory

by Steve Randolf, Ph.D.

I have been asked several times to provide a telekinesis training guide. At first, I was uncertain about the usefulness of one more guide like that, but then I realized that, as a scientist, I could offer a unique perspective, quite different from that of most laypeople. So, I wrote this book which I just released on Amazon. 

Consciousness and non-locality (II). Scientific evidence for a perpetual and ubiquitous non-locality. Teleportation of information, energy and matter

by Steve Randolf, PhD


Part I of this article discussed how various theoretical models, like theories of everything, consciousness, and psi, suggest the presence of a universal and continuous form of non-locality, which is different from the well-known concept of quantum entanglement. What sets psi theories apart is that there is substantial empirical evidence supporting them, even though they challenge mainstream academic beliefs. Psi phenomena such as clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy, and micropsychokinesis, have been well-documented, even in mainstream media. However, there are other less-explored phenomena, such as macro-psychokinesis, thoughtography, and teleportation, which suggest the idea of carrier-less energy transfer. All these phenomena share a common element: they can be explained considering a ubiquitous and everlasting form of non-locality.

Consciousness and Non-Locality (I): Theoretical Research

by Steve Randolf, PhD


The use of quantum entanglement in theories of consciousness and psi, as well as in quantum biology, has always been a subject of debate. Objections to such use are primarily related to the demanding conditions necessary for the creation and maintenance of entanglement, which strongly contrast with the wet and warm environments typical of living organisms. In the case of psi phenomena, there are additional arguments, such as the no-communication theorem of quantum mechanics and the relativistic restriction of the speed of light. The following analysis challenges the prevailing skepticism by highlighting the experimental and theoretical evidence pointing toward the existence of a unique persistent and ubiquitous form of entanglement.

The psi wheel: the ideal tool for researching psychokinesis

by Steve Randolf, PhD


The psi wheel is an exceptional tool with immense untapped potential for demonstrating, researching, and training psychokinesis. Despite its simplicity and long-standing familiarity, the full range of possibilities offered by the psi wheel has been woefully underutilized. Its ease of assembly and use makes it accessible to both individuals and researchers, while tests conducted with it consistently yield highly deterministic results due to its simple motion mechanics and readily neutralizable external factors. Consequently, it eliminates some challenges traditionally encountered in psychokinesis research, such as subject selection, fraud prevention, and experimenter effect. This determinism also invalidates some interpretations proposed in traditional psychokinetic studies. By highlighting the untapped potential and benefits of this tool, this article aims to shed light on the significant opportunities it offers for further exploration and advancement in the field of psychokinesis.

Psi, vital energy, and electromagnetism

By Steve Randolf, PhD

Despite decades of parapsychological research, psi phenomena have not yet been convincingly explained in terms of modern physics, which is probably one of the reasons why the scientific community is still mostly disregarding them. In the past, it has been theorized that psi is electromagnetic in nature, its transmission occurring through some sort of electromagnetic waves. That theory has been abandoned. It does not explain phenomena such as precognition and retrocognition, nor have any such waves been detected in tests involving, for example, e.g. telepathy or remote viewing.

The vital force and telekinesis 

by Steve Randolf, PhD


The concept of vital energy is ubiquitous and its origins can be traced back to more than 4000 years ago. It has persisted through the centuries in Eastern cultures such as the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, Indian and Indonesian ones in the form of a mixture of philosophies such as Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, and teachings such as alchemy, traditional medicine, and martial arts. Yoga and martial arts such as Chinese Chi Kung and Japanese Aikido are practiced throughout the globe, although often with their vital-force development component stripped off.

Quantum news (II)

Compiled by Steve Randolf, PhD


After noting the enormous interest in part I, here are some more quantum news.

Eyeless sight bibliography

Compiled by Steve Randolf, PhD


Eyeless sight, seeing without eyes, and mindsight are just a few of the names given to that extraordinary variant of astral projection (OOB, OBE) or clairvoyance, which is incredibly useful to blind people and amusing to children. For the neophyte, it might be hard to believe, but the truth is that it has been taught in a number of schools around the world for decades and there is a large volume of bibliography about it that is continuously growing. Here is a list of related books and papers in chronological order.

Altered states of consciousness and psi

by Steve Randolf, PhD


Psi phenomena such as clairvoyance / remote viewing (RV), precognition, and out-of-body experiences (OOB, OOBE) are usually associated with altered states such as hypnotic or psychedelic trance, dreaming, or even coma. But, is it really necessary to be in such a state to experience psi?

Precognitive statistics

by Steve Randolf, PhD


Here are some statistics from the first nine months of operation of my online precognitive dream database. (Edit: Unfortunately I had to remove the database after a total of 3.5 years of operation due to a diversity of issues).