Eyeless sight bibliography

Compiled by Steve Randolf, PhD


Eyeless sight, seeing without eyes, and mindsight are just a few of the names given to that extraordinary variant of astral projection (OOB, OBE) or clairvoyance, which is incredibly useful to blind people and amusing to children. For the neophyte, it might be hard to believe, but the truth is that it has been taught in a number of schools around the world for decades and there is a large volume of bibliography about it that is continuously growing. Here is a list of related books and papers in chronological order.


1924, Jules Romains, Eyeless-Sight, A study of Extraretinal vision and the Paroptic Sense (see also this link)

Jules Romains, (a pseudonym of Louis Henri Jean Farigoule) (1885-1972) was a French writer who developed a method of teaching blind people to see without eyes. He demonstrated the phenomenon to a scientific committee that consequently awarded him a prize for his achievements. Unfortunately, he kept secret his method, but apparently, at least initially he used hypnosis. The book contains mainly his observations and speculations about the phenomenon, which he attributed to some sort of unknown skin perception. The following four articles describe the experience of some of Farigoule’s students.


1925, Leïla Holterhoff Heyn, René Maublanc, Une Éducation paroptique

Pending review


1926, V. Swain, The Mercury, Sight without eyes.


1926, The Evening Independent, Seeing without eyes


1927, The Mercury, Seeing without eyes. An experiment in France


1964-1989, Abram Novomeysky's articles

A Russian researcher, very prolific in the field, one of whose subjects was the famous Russian psychic Rosa Kuleshova.


1977, Roald Dahl, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, and Six More.

British writer, Roald Dahl (1916-1990) relates in this book a very interesting and supposedly real story about a man who learned to see without eyes and took advantage of that skill to make a profit by gambling. The training method used by the man is described essentially as a visualization of a chosen object in the mind for as long as possible, keeping the conscious mind silenced.


1982, La visión extraocular, Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum, III Congreso Mexicano de Psicología (alternative link)

In this publication, Mexican neurophysiologist and psychologist Jacobo Grinberg (born 1946 and mysteriously disappeared in 1995) relates his experience with extraocular visión. His first contact with the phenomenon occurred in a TV show in which a Professor named Altamirano demonstrated the ability of children to see blindfolded. Prof. Altamirano did not share his method but Grinberg deduced it himself and shared it in this article. Basically, after putting the blindfolded children to perform a 5-15 min breathing meditation he showed them colorful photographs and encouraged them to “sense” the images by reinforcing correct answers with appropriate comments. These studies appear to form the basis of the Mexican eyeless sight method and school VEO® which is now taught in Mexico and several other countries.


1985, Lloyd Hopkins, Introduction to Mind Sight and Perception Research

Pending review. See also “Training Manual for Sight Without Eyes” by the same author (short review below). Hopkins created a “Mindsight research center”, and it is its activities that are covered in these two books. It is unclear if the center still exists.


1991, Viktor Kulagin, The Phenomenon K

An extraordinary first-hand account of the psychic abilities of Nina Kulagina, written by her husband Viktor Kulagin. Kulagina could see without eyes, telekinetically drag objects as heavy as 400 g on the surface of a table, heal remotely, cause burns on the skins of people (also remotely!), stop mouse hearts, accelerate human hearts... She was tested for almost three decades in multiple Soviet laboratories by hundreds of scientists, including two Nobel laureates. Most of those scientists defended publicly the authenticity of her abilities.


1997, Paul Dong, Thomas E. Raffill, China's Super Psychics

Paul Dong, a Chinese Qigong master, living in the USA, provides this compendium of anecdotes about a number of China's psychics, suggesting that China is much ahead of the rest of the world in terms of governmental promotion of psi research and training as well as acceptance of psi by the Chinese society in general. He describes multiple psi phenomena, with a special accent on teleportation, healing and eyeless sight including a particular eyeless sight training methodology based on a standard qigong method called microcosmic orbit meditation.


2001, Bronnikov’s Method

Russian scientist Vyacheslav Bronnikov has created a school teaching a complex methodology, consisting of a variety of energy-sensing exercises inspired by oriental martial arts. Similar energy-sensitivity exercises are taught by Vibravision® based on an Indonesian martial art system called Merpati Puttih. Bronnikov has some of his exercises registered as a series of Russian patents.


2007, Mark Komissarov, US20080103409A1, Methodology for developing a new approach for visual information cognition

This now-abandoned patent by USA-based Russian Mark Komissarov covers the methodology of his Infovision® Method developed in 1999 (according to his Facebook page). This is a great source of information about this method. It contemplates advanced levels of blindfold seeing such as seeing into the past, seeing through obstacles, such as walls and at great distances, as well as “reading” the content of computer storage components such as hard drives, compact disks, etc. Komissarov has also a couple of books on the same topic (see below).


2008, Lloyd F. Hopkins, Training Manual for Sight Without Eyes - Through Mind Sight and Perception

A great book, describing the author’s experience with blindfold training and including detailed descriptions of exercises. It mentions the ability of advanced students to see their whole surroundings (without turning), drive cars, and see at great distances.


2008, Kenneth Ring, Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind

Pending review


2009, Laura Alden Kamm, Color Intuition Kit: Master the Energy of Color for Higher Awareness, Extraordinary Perception, and Healing

Pending review


2014, I. M. Goldberg- On Whether Tactile Sensitivity can be Improved by Exercise

This is a paper about Rosa Kuleshova.


2015, Mark Komissarov, InfoVisione. Percepire la realtà senza utilizzare i cinque sensi

Pending review.


2015, Robert Wright, Christine Wright Jr., Carol Ann Liaros & Project Blind Awareness: How the Blind Can Learn "to See".

This is a transcription of an interview with psychic Carol Ann Liaros who apparently discovered blindfold sight incidentally as some totally blind people attended her seminars on seeing auras and turned out to be capable of seeing.


2016, Mark Komissarov, Die Welt mit weit geschlossenen Augen sehen

Pending review.


2017, Katharina Friedrich, Sehen ohne Augen: Intuition und Wahrnehmung im Alltag entfalten

Pending review.


2019, Gilberto Rendón Ortiz, Ver sin Ojos: Manual práctico y teórico para entrenar a niños, jóvenes y adultos

This book provides interesting suggestions for eyeless sight training and includes some exercises adopted from Japanese systems for ultrahigh-speed reading. It also includes a copy of the entire above-cited article by Jacobo Grinberg.


2020, Robert Smith, Blindfolded Sight and Chi Generation: A Training Manual for Superhuman Abilities

Pending review.


2021, Axel Kimmel, Evelyn Ohly, Sehen ohne Augen - das Praxishandbuch

The authors of this book are the teachers of the Sehen Ohne Augen® school in Germany that have already taught hundreds of children and blind people to see without eyes.


2021, Sean McNamara, Mind Sight: Training to See Without Eyes. Pilot Program for Adults

This book is really special in that it provides an extremely well-designed and detailed step-by-step mindsight learning method. Moreover, it contains notes from Sean's personal eyeless-sight-training diary, a very nice list of books for further reading, as well as some suggestions for cross-training involving remote viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, and astral projection, all of these being fields in which Sean is an expert, as evidenced by his other great books, video tutorials, and workshops.


2021, Andy Hilton, Seeing Without Eyes

A nice philosophical discussion about seeing without eyes, offering some good references.


2022, Jordi Imbert, Tània Agorreta Albert, Ver Sin los Ojos es Posible: La Visión Intuitiva y la Intuición Ampliada

A book about eyeless sight by a Spanish school teaching according to the Mexican VEO method.


2023, Ingrid Terricabres, Crecer con Intuición

Another book about eyeless sight by another Spanish school teaching according to the Mexican VEO method.


Published: 2021-09-07

Last Updated: 2023-10-11

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